[복사본] 울트라콘덴서배터리
작성일 : 20-09-04 15:57
콘덴서 21000F
 글쓴이 : 최고관리자
조회 : 3,945  
Untitled-1.jpg  콘덴서 21000F
2. Classification
Name 21000F
Model 77Wh
Classification Rechargeable capacutor of nano-pouch
3. Technical Specification
Item Condition Specification
Nominal Capacity "Standard Charge Or Standard Discharge" 21000F
Nominal Voltage - 4.2V.DC
Standard Charge (Refer to 5.4) Constant Current 20.00A
Charge Limited Voltage 4.25V
Charge Cut-off Current 1.00A
Temperature 25℃±5℃
Standard Discharge (Refer to 5.5) Constant Current 20.00A
Discharge Cut-off Voltage 2.70V
Temperature 25℃±5℃
Max.Cont. Charge Current RT 42.00A
Max.Cont. Discharge Current RT 60.00A
Max.Peak Charge Current 50%SOC, 10s. Charge 60.00A
Max.Peak Discharge Current 50%SOC, 10s. Discharge 80.00A
Internal Resistance AC,1kHz ≤1.50mΩ
About Weight - 350.0g±10.0g
Temperature Range Charge -20℃ ~ 60℃
Discharge -20℃ ~ 55℃
Reduce the charge current when charge in a low temperature environment.